Friday, March 07, 2008

My First Communion Photo

See if you can pick me out - hint: I'm wearing my first pair of corrective lenses.
(People always told me I looked a lot like my mother. LOL!)


  1. I thought you would be taller. Try heels the next time.

  2. Huh? The boy standing next to me (to my left) is shorter than I am. ;)

  3. Guess I'm wrong then. I picked front row, far right.

    BTW: LOVE the new you. Glad you ditched the bottle blond and went back to your natural color.

  4. Monica - you fell for it the first time. I think I thought it was funnier than it is. Which makes me LOL again.

  5. I think you should have worn the dress gloves too. I know its too late to bring that up now but I mention it so that tomorrow when you go to Mass you will wear your gloves.

  6. If you could, please save the gloves, dress, veil and all because my daughter will have her first Communion in a few years. The dresses at Leaflet are $150! I'll take any hand-me-downs that you're willing to part with :) Good thing she won't be wearing lipstick and such or I'd have to consult with Cathy.


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